SAMi - Smart API Marketplace Documentation

Configure SAMi Portal

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These Steps must be completed by a SAMi Administrator persona before using the platform product

Post Install Configuration

Steps to complete the configurations after Installation:

Install License File

  1. Login to Portal as Administrator. Default login is

  2. Under the Dashboard menu item, click License Manager

  3. Select Choose File button and upload the license file provided by SIDGS, then click Submit.

Configure Default Landing Page

  1. Login to Portal as Administrator. Default login is

  2. Click on the menu option (with 9 dots) on the top-right-corner.

  3. Click Control Panel > Instance Settings > Instance Configuration > General

  4. Enter /home for Default Landing Page.

  5. Click Save.

Re-indexing the search

  1. Click on the menu option (with 9 dots) on the top-right-corner.

  2. It will open the top slider, where you can find Control Panel tab.

  3. Click on the Control Panel tab.

  4. Now, under CONFIGURATION section click on Search link – It will open the search page.

  5. In search page, you find Index Actions tab click on that.

  6. Click on Execute button beside “Reindex all search indexes.” under Index Actions.

  7. It will take few minutes to complete reindexing. You can see percentage of reindexing. Wait till you see Execute button at the same place.

  8. Reindexing search indexes is completed.

Add Market Place Configurations

  1. Click on menu options (with 9 dots) on the top-left-corner.

  2. It will open the top slider, where you can find Control Panel tab.

  3. Click on the Control Panel tab.

  4. Now, under CONFIGURATION section click on Instance Settings link – It will open the Instance Settings page.

  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page where you can find category.SAM link in OTHER section.

  6. Click on the category.SAM link – It will open SAM Portal Configuration page.

  7. Enter Integration End Point URL in VSP REST Endpoint Base URLs section. example:

  8. Enter Pubhub End Point URL in Pubhub REST Endpoint Jwt Services URLs.

  9. if you do not have the access token url, key and secret, leave the “Enable Access Token” unchecked and Enter the letter “X” without double quotes in the following fields: Access Token URL, Access Token Key, and Access Token Secret

  10. Enter the registrationDevURL as the portal home page url

  11. If monetization orgs are configured then enter PayPal configurations like Client Id, Secret Key and Mode in their respective sections and check Monetization Enabled check box.

  12. Click on Update button to save the configurations.


Video to support above steps (Note: this video includes few more steps to above listed)


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