SAMi - Smart API Marketplace Documentation

Contact Us

Contact Us from Home Page

The subscriber will be able to contact the SAMi Support team by navigating from the Home page to the Help icon.

  1. When the Help icon is clicked, you will view the expanded support window.

  2. In the Support Window, click on the Contact Us link.

  3. In the Support window, click enter the required details, to allow the SAMi Support team to contact you in response:

  4. Once all the information is provided, click Submit.

  5. Click Cancel, if you wish to abort sending your information and close the window.

If you need info on the product subscription by clicking and opening the PDF help files like:

  • Subscribe to non-monetized products

  • Invite a member to SAMi

  • Product Review & Ratings

  • Create App

  • Subscribe to Monetized Products.



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