SAMi - Smart API Marketplace Documentation

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

The SAMi Portal helps the developers to view the existing FAQs and add FAQ comments/feedback from the Community menu on the Home page.

Search and View FAQs

  1. To search for an FAQ, navigate from Home page, to the Community > FAQs in the main menu.

The FAQs page appears. All the FAQs listed with the most recent are displayed at the top of the list.

2. In the Search field, enter the FAQs name and press Enter. All the Community FAQs appear on the list. The first FAQs Comment area is open, if you wish you can add and submit a comment or hide it by clicking on upper arrow.

3. Similarly, you can filter the FAQs based on Products, by selecting the FAQs names using checkboxes.

The searched FAQs after filtering are displayed.

Add FAQ Comments

To add an FAQ comment in the Community pages, do the following:

  1. In Home page, click on Community option and then FAQs in the main menu.
    The FAQs page appears where you can find the latest FAQs appearing on top of the list. Also, as a subscriber, you will be able submit comments and publish on any of the FAQs that are relevant to the Subscribers Community.

  2. In the FAQs page, enter the Comments in the text area.

  3. Click Submit.
    A success message appears. The feedback comment is successfully submitted.

  4. Navigate to the Community FAQ, click on Show Comments. The comments section expands and displays the submitted comment.

The Comment is displayed.


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