SAMi - Smart API Marketplace Documentation

Provide Product Reviews and Ratings

Scenario 1: Provide Product Reviews and Ratings from Home Page (Search Option)

The product review and ratings feature will help the developer to add product reviews and submit ratings on individual products.

To add a product review or rating from Home page, do the following:

  1. In Home page, search a product by providing the keywords/product name in the search field and press Enter.

The Explore page appears with relevant search results.

2. In Explore page, click on Read More of the selected product card.

The product Summary page appears.

3. In the Product Summary page, hover over the mouse on the 5 stars (choose from 1 to 5 stars) to provide your ratings to that product. When you submit the rating a ‘done’ message appears.

4. Similarly, to add review comments, type-in your comments in the textbox provided and click on Submit.

The Review submitted appears below in the same section.

5. To view all review, click on View All Reviews link.

The ‘Reviews most recent on top’ popup appears displaying with the most recent reviews.

6. Click Close, to close the review popup after viewing it.

Scenario 2: Provide Product Reviews and Ratings from Home Page (Featured Products)

The product review and ratings feature will help the developer to add product review and submit ratings on individual products.

To add a product review or rating from Home page, do the following:

  1. In Home page, search a product by scrolling down to Featured Products.

The Featured products appears displaying all products. You can navigate and search products by using the right arrow.

2. In Featured Products, click on View Product of the selected product card.
The product Summary page appears.

3. In the Product Summary page, hover over the mouse on the 5 stars (choose from 1 to 5 stars) to provide your ratings to that product. When you submit the rating a ‘done’ message appears.

4. Similarly, to add review comments, type-in your comments in the textbox provided and click on Submit.

The Review submitted appears below in the same section.

5. To view all review, click on View All Reviews link.

The ‘Reviews most recent on top’ popup appears displaying with the most recent reviews.

6. Click Close, to close the review popup after viewing it.

Scenario 3: Provide Product Reviews and Ratings from Home Page (Explore Categories)

The product review and ratings feature will help the developer to add product review and submit ratings on individual products.

To add a product review or rating from Home page (Explore Categories), do the following:

  1. In Home page, search a product by scrolling down to Explore Categories section.

The Explore Categories page appears by displaying all the product categories.

2. In Explore Categories, click on View link of the selected product category card.
The product Summary page appears.

3. In the Product Summary page, hover over the mouse on the 5 stars (choose from 1 to 5 stars) to provide your ratings to that product. When you submit the rating a ‘done’ message appears.

4. Similarly, to add review comments, type-in your comments in the textbox provided and click on Submit.

The Review submitted appears below in the same section.

5. To view all review, click on View All Reviews link.

The ‘Reviews most recent on top’ popup appears displaying with the most recent reviews.

6. Click Close, to close the review popup after viewing it.

Scenario 4: Provide Product Reviews and Ratings from Explore Page

The product review and ratings feature will help the developer to add product review and submit ratings on individual products.

To add a product review or rating from Explore page, do the following:

  1. From Home page, navigate by clicking on Explore option on the main menu.

The Explore page appears.

2. In the Explore page, search the product by providing keywords/product name in the search field and press Enter.
The search results appear.

3. In Explore page, click on Read More of the selected product card.

The product Summary page appears.

4. In the Product Summary page, hover over the mouse on the 5 stars (choose from 1 to 5 stars) to provide your ratings to that product. When you submit the rating a ‘done’ message appears.

 5. Similarly, to add review comments, type-in your comments in the textbox provided and click on Submit.

The Review submitted appears below in the same section.

6. To view all review, click on View All Reviews link.

The ‘Reviews most recent on top’ popup appears displaying with the most recent reviews.

7. Click Close, to close the review popup after viewing it.


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