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  1. Apigee Org name

  2. Username

  3. Password

  4. Management Server URL

  5. /wiki/spaces/SAM/pages/2462711809 Must be completed


Step 1: Login to SAMi portal (http://example.demo.sidglobal.cloud) as a system Administrator.

Step 2. Navigate to main menu and select “Dashboard → Org Manager“.

Step 3: System Loads “Org Manager“ page where system Admin is able to add Apigee Org to SAM portal



Step 4: Fill out the following form fields


Apigee Org Name / Group Name

Provided by Client (E.g., mytransport-sg)


Client ID of sam-mgmt-wrapper-app

Ref installation part 3


Client Secret of sam-mgmt-wrapper-app

Ref installation part 3

Apigee Wrapper URL


Note: Use Public CA Signed Certs for SSL; Self Signed and Private CA’s are not currently supported

 Group Status


  • In-active Group data is not shown to users

SQS Queue Name

Should be Same as Apigee Org Name


The order system admin wants to View on the page

Step 5 : After providing all the details, click on “Save Configuration“ button in order to add Apigee Org to SAM portal.