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The developer can easily manage the subscribed apps in the SAMi API Marketplace. The developer when navigates to the Apps page, will be able to perform certain functions related to subscribed apps for instance:

  • Search Subscribed App

  • My Apps Info

  • My Subscriptions Information

  • Manage App

  • Filter by Groups, Roles and Filter By options

  • Edit an App

  • Delete An App

Table of Contents

Search a Subscribed App

  1. To search any subscribed app, from Home page navigate to the Apps page by clicking on Apps option on the main menu.


The search result of the subscribed app is displayed.

My App Info tab

By default, the My App Info tab is enabled and displays the app subscription details along with the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret to access the app the first time. Also provided the date of key issued and expiry date of the app.


My Subscriptions tab

To navigate to my subscriptions, click on My Subscriptions tab to open and display the app subscription information.


The right icon in green also denotes that the app is approved otherwise, if the app is unapproved or pending it shows an (x) symbol.

Delete App


The delete icon can be used to delete the subscribed app by searching an app and clicking on Delete icon.

Manage tab

The Manage tab can be used for updating the app information or even delete the app.

Edit App

In Apps page, the Manage tab when selected, it displays the app information and will enable you to update the app information for instance:
